Poster collection
Keep creating posters since 2009. This visual language is my best way to express my ideas, inspirations. Love to connect it all together by the way giving specific message.

My posters were featured in:
Mois du graphisme 2019, Échirolles
 The Art of Polish Poster, Bosz publisher
 TYPE + TEXT → Year of the Avant-garde
LA Artistic Book Fair 2017,  Los Angeles
Une Saison Graphique, Le Havre
C’est l’heure, Paris
— 24th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw
16th Polish Poster Salon, Warsaw
— 23th International Poster Biennale, Warsaw
— Right to education Poster4Tomorrow , Paris
— typo/graphic posters
—  IdN magazine v21n5
prints are available for sale ︎ DM