FUTURE PERFECT by Zosia Promińska
FUTURE PERFECT is an impressive collection of portraits of prepubescent models photographed by Zosia Promińska. Carefully staged within the intimate spaces of their bedrooms and surrounded by small details reflecting their teenage or even childish reality. Early contracts with professional model agencies for when they turn 16, create hope and drive expectations. But not all will develop into the standards of today’s fashion world. What impact does this create to these individuals?
Words by Danaé Panchaud
Published by Kehrer Verlag
©2021 Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg,
Zosia Promińska and Danaé Panchaud
Words by Danaé Panchaud
Published by Kehrer Verlag
©2021 Kehrer Verlag Heidelberg,
Zosia Promińska and Danaé Panchaud

Zosia Promińska (b. 1985) approaches the subject matter for very personal reasons. The artist herself is a former model and knows only too well of the exploration in the fashion industry and how the pressures of fitting into specific criteria can influence the life of a teenager.